June 22, 2016 | 12:37 PM by Fahad Khalid | fkhalid@jaguaranalytics.com

Quotient (QUOT): A Powerful Chart, Here Is Why

Early this year in Jan-April period we saw steady accumulation in August 12.5 calls bought for $1.00 to $2.00. Type of unusual small action in under the radar stocks that would normally skip other traders’ radar but catches our attention.

On April 29, we shared the following data with clients from Comscore showing sharp re-acceleration in YoY Total Minutes:

QUOT Growth 1

Then last week on June 16, we shared the following updated Comscore data, which continues to show incredible growth momentum:

QUOT Growth 2

Interestingly, consensus has not moved higher accordingly in lockstep. FY2016 EPS estimate is near where it was when the company reported for FY2015. Next earnings report during the first week of August.

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QUOT Chart


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